Monday, January 12, 2009


Well, all we can say is "Praise God"!!!! We went in for Troy's seventh treatment today and we received some amazing news... the results of his PET CT scan came in and Troy is officially in remission!!!! There is no trace of cancer, the scan was squeeky clean!!! What an incredible gift to start off the new year! And, since his scan came back clean, he didn't have to have the "red devil" today (you may recall by reading his older posts that this is the toughest cancer killer and the main one that causes fast growing cells of any kind to die) and will not need to receive it at his last treatment either. We are both in awe right now at the amazing power of God (as well we should be at all times). What a gift he has given us and what a blessing to live during a time when this treatment is available to us. We also met another amazing couple today at treatment. Rod and Tammy Adams. Tammy, who is only in her thirties as well, was diagnosed with colon cancer but is doing extremely well. We all sat around chatting and Troy, Rod and I played three hands of Skip Bo which made the day a lot more enjoyable for all of us. There are so many amazing people in this world of ours. Thank you to everyone for your prayers and help during this time now we just need to switch those prayers so the cancer does not return. God bless!!! It is time to celebrate!!!


Heather Turner said...

I knew it! Thank you for continuing to share Troy's story as it gives me faith and strength. God bless you and your beautiful family!

pauL said...

God rocks!! And, so do you guys for hanging tough. Great news. Aren't those PET scans great?.. not getting them, but knowing that they're looking at your whole body. God bless.

Marni said...

That is fabulous news!! We are so happy for you. Darren has his PET scan the 2nd week of February and we hope for the same results Troy received. You guys are amazing!