Thursday, January 29, 2009

Winding it Down!

Well we made it!!! Troy received his final chemo treatment on monday! It has been such a rollercoaster ride these past 5-1/2 months, almost as if it has been one very long day. It was very surreal walking out of the hospital knowing that his treatments have finally come to an end. What we did not expect were the mixed feelings. We are so incredibly happy about his cancer going into remission and not having to endure anymore treatments but we are really going to miss the many people we have met along the way. Needless to say, phone numbers and email addresses were exchanged before we left the hospital.

Our days have been filled with so many new and interesting experiences which have touched our lives in such a way that we will never be the same. As difficult as this experience has been for all of us, God has blessed us and brought us so much closer together as a family. I am constantly amazed at how He manifests Himself in all of the experiences of our lives and draws us closer and closer to Him. Dealing with cancer has been such a humbling experience and we have been (and continue to be) brought to our knees time and time again. With each passing day, God strips more and more of the unnecessary elements away from our souls and continues to fill us with a greater desire to follow His will. What a gift it truly is!

Troy is doing fairly well. He is achy and tired and has not yet returned to work but I'm sure this is to be expected from anyone who has endured eight chemo treatments. His white blood count was a bit low as well, so we are taking precautions until his count returns to normal. He is such an amazing man though and I am constantly inspired by his endurance and strength. Many, MANY thanks to all who have been taking this journey with us and have offered their prayers and support. May God bless you!

1 comment:

pauL said...

How are things winding down for you guys? Hope Troy's feeling better. Thanks for the blog updates.