Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Scan Day

Well tomorrow is "scan" day! Troy is scheduled for his PET CT scan tomorrow (no not a CT scan for the dog). He had to eat a high protein, low to no carbs today and was not allowed to exert himself at all which is not easy for him. In addition, he isn't allowed to eat after midnight (poor guy, he is going to be hungry since he won't be able to eat until tomorrow after his scan which is scheduled for 12:30 p.m.) He has been a bit nervous, as have I, but I feel that it is going to come out clean. I am guessing that we won't know the results of it until Monday when we go in for Troy's seventh chemo treatment so I'll have to post an update early next week. Please keep your prayers coming!

1 comment:

pauL said...

Hey.. been there, done that. The no eating in the morning with no coffee. I almost died! The worst part is after they inject the radioactive tracer you have to lie there and not move a muscle for 45 minutes. No reading, no ipod. Hell, I tell you.

Prayers going your way right now. It'll be a couple of days for the results too. Hope all goes perfect! God bless.